Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Leo Club Induction Night

Today I went to the induction night for Leo Club.
it was a LOT of fun :] round of applause to WINMAR

Here's a OOTD
Blazer: Forever XXI
Dress shirt: H&M
Shorts: Urban Behaviour
Leggings: H&M
Shoes: Guess

It was a really fun event and food was great. and YEUH.
I'm tired. so i'll let pictures explain everything:

our president!!

to finish it off with a meme of vicky LOL.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feels like spring!

Today was a day one for me...
originally i was going to find a teacher to sign up for AP exams.
i could not find her so i went to metro for a bit to use up my gift cards.
the weather was quite spring like, early spring at least...
i got 2 shirts one from H&M and the other from Urban Behaviour.

I spent a while trying to find something I liked...
there were a lot of those one piece tanks and polka dots.
I've been searching for sheer blouses lately... but a lot of them aren't my cup of tea.
Grunge is really in lately so are chunky heels.
a lot of lace and jean shorts and cardigans.

here's what i got:
urban behaviour
augh such a good buy i swear.
i noticed i'm trending to more formal business like wear.
lol oh well.
then i went to crystal and got a mocha frappacino

then headed back to school for the leo club meeting.
sat there waiting with josie for about 40min till everyone got off class.
then i went home... yeeee.
*apparently it's going to snow tomorrow :[ NOOOOO*

Monday, February 20, 2012

How to recreate fake eyelashes

EVER have that stash of eyelashes that just don't work out for you?
don't worry just a little bit of cutting and gluing can give you the desired lashes.
all you need really is two pairs of fake eyelashes.
i've had these for a while but they just don't work for me

cut one pair of the fake eyelashes in half,
i like my ends longer and thicker so i take the front to middle portion.

 use a eyelash glue of your choice and apply glue to the band of the half fake eyelash.
wait a few seconds so it becomes sticky.
place at the ends of the full fake eyelash.
wait for it to dry before using! or it will come off!
and voila you got your recreated desired eyelash.
you can use various types of eyelashes of course,
it's more of personal preference on what style you like,
i like gyaru lashes a lot more than nammer or typical eyelashes.
try to keep the style of lashes you choose similar so it blends in much more naturally.
ex: don't use a straight clear band with thick black band one.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A day at work...

Recently I've been doing a temporary part time to get my hours done for graduation.
I actually like it a lot LOL working as a cashier/clerk.
The idea of gaining experience and like small talk with consumers is fun :D
oh well, it's nice to learn useful things and i'm quite fortunate to get the opportunity...
considering the ratio of resumes to phone calls back i've gotten. (none) >_>

i made spaghetti this morning. :D LOL I CAN COOK WELL.
i keep watching Laura Vitales videos . they are GREAT! check it out ;]

Oh if you live in the richmond area near Francis & Gilbert go visit BAFANG ASIAN FOODS
finding music to end the awkward silence in store

doodle doodle.

sundays are always quiet because of church.
BUT people come in after church to make up for it :]

hi vicky

viet subs yum yum.

stopped by aberdeen to buy something to munch on cause we didn't eat.
bought two viet subs @ Basil Leaf
mmmm... they are the BEST of the BEST imo.

Friday, February 17, 2012

REVIEW: Clean&Clear Makeup Dissolving Foaming Cleanser

I was quite disappointed in this one actually... I like clean & clear cleansers because they do the job.
i got it because i needed a new cleanser and makeup remover,
what better idea to get one product with TWO functions right?
i was wrong. should have paid extra and get two different items.

so here are the swatches of the items that i use.
at the back it says that "this oil-free formula gently and effectively dissolves makeup and deep cleans your skin in one easy step!"
i beg to differ... there are better cleansers from clean & clear that
DON'T dry out your skin and clean quite nicely.
claims to dissolve even waterproof makeup... lol it doesn't.

i actually rubbed it for a good 2 - 3 min before rinsing...

as we can see traces of the pencil eyeliner and liquid eyeliner remains,
the gel liner stays and same with the waterproof mascara.
and drying to the skin... i needed to put moisturizer afterwards.
definitely a miss.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day & Single Awareness Day

today turned from a rainy mucky weather to a sunny afternoon!
at my school there were free cookies given out to every one
mmmm.... yummy. now if i had a nice cup of coffee with that(^ — ^ )
THEN carmen gave me a chocolate! AREN’T THEY CUTE?
she made them herself! omg.... I CANNOT COMPARE TO HER.
and then lily made cookies for the first time !
and they were SO good ;] she took her time to wrap them and make them soo pretty!
*AND* winmar gave me a white chocolate dipped strawberry

afterwards i went out to eat with jordan @ Nishiki
it wasn't that bad actually.
i ordered a maki combo and he ordered chicken yaki-udon
cute? i thought so ;3

maki combo

LOL it's as if he's detested by the miso soup

so that was my valentine day.
i gave him all his favourite candy in a little box ;]

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Belated Birthday Gift! LUSH

Today I got a surprise from Henry :D

There's two bathbombs and two bubble bars.
Keep it Fluffy, Butterball, Creamy Candy BB. Comforter BB
I went to unwrap it and open it... turned out the opening was upside down,
i went "crap" when the foam bits spilled out.
haha cute isn't it.
keep it fluffy bath bomb

comforter bubble bar

butterball bath bomb

;[ it was chipped off a bit
creamy candy bath bubble bar... this was kinda a smooth doughy texture compared to the rest.
I would say how it smells like but unfortunately i'm too sick and the smell is too overwhelming atm.
probably do that later on and re edit this post.

Friday, February 3, 2012


The nails were inspired by xclosetoreal
if you haven't checked out her channel DO CHECK IT OUT

aberdeen's chinese new year light design

mmm... curry lamb brisket. YUM.