Monday, February 20, 2012

How to recreate fake eyelashes

EVER have that stash of eyelashes that just don't work out for you?
don't worry just a little bit of cutting and gluing can give you the desired lashes.
all you need really is two pairs of fake eyelashes.
i've had these for a while but they just don't work for me

cut one pair of the fake eyelashes in half,
i like my ends longer and thicker so i take the front to middle portion.

 use a eyelash glue of your choice and apply glue to the band of the half fake eyelash.
wait a few seconds so it becomes sticky.
place at the ends of the full fake eyelash.
wait for it to dry before using! or it will come off!
and voila you got your recreated desired eyelash.
you can use various types of eyelashes of course,
it's more of personal preference on what style you like,
i like gyaru lashes a lot more than nammer or typical eyelashes.
try to keep the style of lashes you choose similar so it blends in much more naturally.
ex: don't use a straight clear band with thick black band one.

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