Sunday, May 13, 2012

DIY: How to make your curling iron into curling wand

Do you have a curling iron with that clamp?
don't you hate that awkward crease/bend it makes in your hair?
and do NOT want to spend any money on getting a new one?
well here's a very simple tutorial for you!


Step One: Taking your curing iron, take off the "resting" bar on the hinge. you should be able to take the bar off by lifting one side (of the bar) off one of the hinges, if you don't have the strength, get someone to do it for you.

Step Two: Take off the little "knob"s on the hinge. If it doesn't come off easily, use a screw driver or a flat thin object to pry it off.
Step Three: Take off the clamp, then you can finally reach the spring. using the right screwdriver or w.e, unscrew and remove the spring. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO LEAVE THE SCREW PART IN OR NOT.
*i left mine in because my screw wouldn't budge so i had to pry the spring out with pliers*

VOILA you have your curling wand without spending extra money!
Now have fun curling your hair :]

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