Saturday, May 19, 2012

Some Food, Some Date, Some Nightmarket [PLOG]

the weather has been SPECTACULAR.
actually no... 
it's been sunny but pretty breezy.

so this week was a lot more relaxing for me because my exams are done!
actually no, i have a LET coming up later on next month ;[
really nervous about it actually... stupid LPI 
-  -

look what Vivian made LIKE HOLY COW. GENIUS.

Went sushi with my boyfriend... i think 2 weeks ago?
i cannot remember .__.
@ NISHIKI SUSHI on 49th & Victoria

pina colada

!spicy salmon roll!
 Been figuring out how to do my friends' makeup for prom.
sigh* i wish i could've done mine ;[
oh well...

then yesterday i went on a little date with my bf.
i kinda delayed on taking pictures but oh well...
we basically went breakfast and yeah... walked around everywhere
also a date to celebrate our 17 months.

this game is fun! play it if you go CHQ
picked up some buns from Maxim's
哈哈, 見到都開心

Then tonight I went with my parents to nightmarket.
the NEW one that opened yesterday
my take on it? 
if you never went there, it's worth going.
but imo for someone who's gone to the old one for so long...
i like the old one 10x better.
okay first being:  NO  ADMISSION FEE
second being: less repetitive stalls, it gets pretty boring looking at phone case stalls
third being: the crazy amount of people flowing in =  =; 
and the food? was pretty sloppy... like kay the old one isn't any better..
but some of the food wasn't even cooked ALLTHE WAY
what really pissed me off the most and pulled the last straw for me was:
the lack of a clear exit for the place...
you have people telling you to exit one side, and others telling you to exit where you came from.
even worse as soon as i turn away and look back, the guy lets other people through.
yep next time i'm just going to stick with the old one =  =
yeh. i decided to give these lenses a wear.

the $1.50 can of coke
the not well cooked okonomiyaki, which was spelt as "okonomayaki"
fish paste siu mai? it was meh.
lol i've never been so eager to leave somewhere before
okay i have... but it's been a while


  1. Haha. That's funny.
    The food in the old one is better.
    Or well, just the hurricane potato thing. ;D
    Hehe. :P

    And I totally just bargained and paid $20 less on a $30 necklace for prom (yesterday).

    I haven't been to the new one, but my parents want to go. Is it really that bad?

    1. if you haven't gone to the new one, i guess it's worth going to check it out, but if you're one of those people who go to nightmarket frequently with friends, i'd say stick with the old one. just because of the amount of people and the repetitive stores. the food was pretty crappy, they were taking a long time to make it and even then it was either not cooked all the way or it was cold.
