Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Job Hunting & Pro D [PLOG]


too bad no PNE field trip tomorrow ;[

anywho i set out today this morning to run errands with my dad.
we ate at BINO FAMILY RESTAURANT on Kingsway.
man that's like no joke one of the most reminiscing places for me
because my parent's old restaurant was exactly the same.
usually i order the eggs bino (eggs benedict) but today i got the bino ?enchilada?
usual dose of apple juice :]
dad's breakfast

yep then afterwards i went to go apply for work @ metro.
FML ;[
i should listen to my dad: study hard and be your own boss
hahahaha i would love that if i can make big money with that ;]
then met up with jim and hanged with him.

jim's double downers.
just the sight of it can clog your arteries LOL

the for the first time i actually went to the happy hour thing for starbucks.
should have gone elsewhere instead...
i got my grande green tea frapp... and man it tasted so weird.
-  - kinda sour ish? i threw it out and they gave me so little whip cream ;[

yeah so that's how my awkward placement of a pro d went.

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