Sunday, April 8, 2012

My First Wedding Banquet

First Congrats to Paul & Rosana Ng.

this was the very first time i went to a wedding banquet.
it was at 金粵海鮮酒家.
LOL my parents made me go on their behalf so oh well food.
AND THEN when we reached there i felt so out of place.
i sat all alone at a table waiting for the banquet to start.
that's where i started taking random pictures at my table.
cute eh? there was a surprise in there.

after a while finally the banquet started 
and i ended up going to the back to the candy bar
to pick up some sweets.

As for the actual food itself,
presentation was great of course,
however quality of the food... i might say otherwise.
as being the first table served on the side,
if our dishes weren't hot or barely warm, 
then i don't even want to know how the food at other tables were.

they had a photo booth set up
my table was so unenthusiastic about it.
thank god selina came with me :D

Uncle daniel sure knows how to make it lively,
his oldies music trivia was really entertaining.

haha my prize.
Yep it was a interesting night :]

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