Sunday, April 15, 2012

Oh stressful week. [PLOG]

My highschool year is almost coming to an end,
but i've been stressing out about a lot of things.
I have an LPI exam coming up on thursday,
2 weeks from now an AP exam...
then a history 12 essay and not even counting assignments from other classes.
cause i do need my transcripts but it's such a hassle to get marks from teachers,
then fill out a form and mailing it to the institutes... and it's due APRIL 30th.

okay that aside, i have to work harder so there may be a hiatus of my blog.
i will try to post when i have free time like today :]
SO THIS WEEK... let's see i went to apply for mcdonalds...
i didn't get the job ;[ i'm never going to get a part time QQ.
then i went to crystal to meet up with my dad and we ate some stuff at the food court.
i keep forgetting to remember the place's name...
but they have the BEST 凍鴛鴦
me and my dad's meals w/ drinks came to a total of 10$

and i made progress on my key ring project,
finally put the key part and the top part together.
however i am working about the rest of the ring,
if i over heat everything will fall apart. =  =

then today i went out to volunteer @ the vancouver sun run.
i had to wake up at 4:50am, haha man i'm so tired right now.
i didn't drink coffee in the morning either.
my bf came and picked me up at 6am,
then we headed chinatown 新城 for breakfast w/ his dad,
when we got there the buns were fresh.
just out of the steamer, i got a 叉燒包。
很好吃! 熱辣辣新鮮唧包!
his dad got a 大包 and 雞包,
they're huge. and worth buying, $1.50 - $1.70 for one.
i didn't take pictures because LOL i found it awkward to whip out my camera 
and starting taking pictures of one bun,
but next time i go with my parents i will!

so we reached downtown afterwards and met up with the other volunteers
@ the hyaat hotel, got our tshirts and vests,
our duty was to answer questions and direct people to the right colour starting points,
but in the end it seemed to be ineffective as people went where they want.
it was pretty cold compared to the past week.
and ugh i pulled my butt muscle up to my back trying to get through the massive crowd.

Afterwards I got home it was only 12:30pm,
so after a bit I went out with my parents to 裕記 @ Killarney Market.
their 叉燒瀨粉 and 燒鴨瀨粉 one of the best,
for the 叉燒 you can select 半肥瘦, 瘦,or 肥.
then i ordered their milk tea, which was pretty good :]
haha i gotta work out and lose weight, i'm getting fat.