Thursday, June 28, 2012

Official Last Day of Highschool :[ [PLOG]

5 years have passed by so quickly... it's unbelievable.
i still can remember the first day of school and being worried about highschool.
now i'm worrying about post secondary, LOL
seems like a endless cycle but finally it's the next big block in life :]

basically in the morning me and my dad went to mui garden for breakfast,
cause we were around the area to do some errands and everything.
afterwards i went over to friend's house to wait.

last night's din din

today we went to school @ 1pm to pick up report cards & annuals.
i really had no patience to stand there and wait for everyone to sign...
afterwards we went to celebrate my friend's birthday @ Red Robins
We friggin waited for 35min for a seat ;/
lol but oh well. the weather was so warm and humid </3
ewwww.... and it was raining. it felt so bad. i hate wearing makeup on wet muggy days.
feels like everything is melting off your face LOL.
after we ate there we hanged a tad more,
then i went home and yurh. :]

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

REVIEW: GARNIER NUTRISSE CREAM in 564 Intense Medium Red Copper

kay if you're looking for a wine red type of colour this is for you.
it does go on black hair (not dyed dark hair) and it looks FAH BUU LUSSS.

if compared to other hair dyes this does give pretty even coverage imo.
lol it smells really strong though, heads up here.
LOL. unless you like bright neon orange/red on your shirt or w.e you go do that.

i was shocked by how ORANGE the dye looked...
didn't even look anything close to that colour...
it was scarier when i was rinsing it out cause it looked like a pool of blood.
=  =

if you are looking for a vibrant red this isn't for you.
i like this because i have different tones of hair some lighter and some dark,
so this makes it look like i have different wine red highlights.
it's gotten my roots pretty well and yuh :]
it was about $6 CAD for me so pretty cheap.


I've been really lazy or just plain busy to be able to blog.
The weather is turning out beautifully, still kinda chilly though ;[
The past week i've been absolutely bored out of my mind...
basically waiting for the english provincial to finally come and end.
AND I PASSED MATH. yah. that's what i'm happy about...
LOL. also got into all the courses i wanted to get into :]

so on the day of the english provincial,
after we finished i went to my friend's house.
like look at this... btw this cute creature is called Cookie.
and guess what? COOKIE HAS A BLOG
okay yah. then we went for sushi @nishiki on 49th & victoria

we didn't hang out for a long time just because i'm addicted to Dragonica
like no joke... right after we finished, i went straight home and gamed.
lol 9 hours worth of gaming per day... i need a life.
but it's soo cuteeee!! it's practically a 3D MS.

ok and then yesterday we had a bbq...
lol kinda fail on the cooking part. but oh well.

it was a really fun time together though ;] who knows when we'll be able to do that again.
but anyways that was basically where i've been and disappeared off to X__X
i swear i will have some reviews or tutorials coming up soon.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Review: Bath & Body Works Body Lotions

Today I walked past Bath & Body Works and noticed a promotion..
LOL the 50% off and $4 signs caught my eyes so ofc I had to enter and look at the stuff
I rummaged through all the stuff they had and finalized with their buy 3 for $10 promo.
I bought 3 body lotions because i don't really use shower gels or body sprays.
Rio Rumberry, Wild Citrus Sunflower, Japanese Cherry Blossom

I found the packaging pretty adorable, small travel size.
I was so nit picky about buying two bottles the same colour LOL
So I was picking up bottles and if i liked two of the same colour,
i'd keep the one i liked more and put back the other one back
that's why i ended up with these 3... kinda.

i find the smell kinda... pina colada-y?? 
imo it is quite strong so i don't know if i'd use this regularly.
i don't know about moisturizing that much, either it's really light weight or it gives a waxy texture.
not my fav out of the three.

Wild Citrus Sunflower
I LOVE THE SMELL OF THIS ONE. it smells like tea.
i think it's earl grey, i'll get back later about that.
the consistency of this one is more liquidy unlike R.R
kinda in between on this, just because it doesn't exactly moisturize,
more like a lotion perfume

Japanese Cherry Blossom
i was actually most skeptical buying this one
it wasn't something i really wanted but i had to choose 3 to get the promotion.
i almost picked the pomegranate one over this 
smells like baby powder & flowers LOL. not that it smells bad,
but that's the first thing that came to my mind when i whiffed it.
after i apply it then you can smell that light flowery smell.
it makes my skin feel smoother than the other two.
i would probably pick this one as the daily follow me one.

The Week Off [PLOG]

So I am basically done highschool, just one more exam next monday...
sigh* the weather this week is horrible so far, raining cats and dogs.  = =
yeah choose the week that i have off to rain :@
anywho so i went job hunting and all that stuff ;]
i reorganized my drawers and dedicated one to my makeup and also one for all my jewelery supplies
got a new high-low skirt from Twinkle Barbie
*it's really good quality! do check out their shop, they have some promotions going on.
that was my first time there, i only walked in because of the promotions LOL.
I really dig the body lotions will be doing a separate post about them !
then also went to pearl castle to eat, ordered Japanese style green milk tea,
and some thick toasts :] YUM YUM YUM IN THE TUM TUM <3

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Start of Summer [PLOG]

One would expect summer to be sunny and hot,
but really? it's been rainy, cold and humid in vancouver ;[
this week i've been either staying at home or going out for my finals.
today i did my LET and praying I get 3. ROFL I DON'T CARE GIMMIE A 3.

decided to work out and clean up my room for the next week...
and probably go job hunting =  = in dire need of some way to pass summer.

咖喱羊腩飯 + 凍鴛鴦

mommy bought some squid snack :3


Friday, June 15, 2012


What is ulzzang?
Basically means best face or good looking in korean.
ulzzang makeup is usually composed of big eyes
small high nose and small mouth also sharp jaw line.
and most of the time comes off as "innocent" looking.
a lot of times ulzzang DO  use editing programs to enhance or change their features.
such as slimmer jaw and smaller nose.
(but honestly you can do that with simply contouring which is what i did)

:] LOL i like to camwhore

- Daiso Copper Loose Eyeshadow
- Wet n Wild Eyeshadow Trio Sweet as Candy
- Prestige Pencil Eyeliner
- NYC Smooth Skin Liquid Concealer in 786 LIGHT
- Rimmel Lasting Finish 103 True Ivory
- Koji Eye Talk Eyelid Glue

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Review: St.Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub

I always get asked what is a good exfoliator,
to me the best one hands down is the St. Ives Apricot Scrub.
It doesn't irritate and dry up your skin,
it does what it is supposed to do,
best of all? it is AFFORDABLE, easily under $5 @ walmart

I have been using this brand for a long long long time.
*still have the really old packaging hanging around* 
old packaging
My "Naturally Clear" one just recently ran out and it was the squeeze bottle type,
So i decided to pick up the big round pot like ones. 
kay first things first... this product smells AMAZING.
even before you use the product the scent just refreshes you.

just simply moisten your face with water then apply the scrub,
rub it around in circular motions then rinse.
results are almost immediate you can feel how smooth and clean your skin is afterwards.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Approaching the End and the New Beginning [PLOG]

It's been a while since I've updated my blog,
so basically this week has been grad week and i've been jumping around getting things done.
We had our grad ceremony and grad breakfast.

My goldfish passed away this morning after a long struggle with her stomach.
she was a really hyper and friendly fish,
she would swim towards anyone and would follow your finger movements.
 also a very very hungry fish.
i'm going to miss you a lot.

for our school we don't get grad hats (sucks) so basically we all looked like
friggin' gospel singers LOL.
my gown was too long for me so i had to swap with someone else.

grad ceremony came on as a little overwhelming for me
because I am the only child in my family and to me it's a big deal.
that night I wanted to thank my parents so much for all their support.

.here's some pictures.