Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Aoyama & Day 2 of Strike

As you may or may not know there's a strike going on.
So basically I don't have school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
The weather has been much better... still cold. but better.

So today I went to work on my History project,
We're done and have everything printed out.
So basically all I had to do was touch up on the ppt.
THEN went with Vicky to Richmond Center,
THEN i waited while drinking my nice 凍鴛鴦
THEN my bf came and met up with me.

We went to Aoyama at Aberdeen.
My bf said he'd treat me... SO LOL WHY WOULD I SAY NO?
but that aside here's some pictures:
i found it cool how the knife BALANCES LIKE THAT.
matcha frappe
his curry beef something LOL i forgot the name. so did he.
my salmon spinach spaghetti. it was REALLY filling.
too cheesy for me... my stomach was destroyed in pain.

And oh yeah, remember how i said " I DON'T BELONG IN THE KITCHEN"
i take that back:

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