Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A visit to KINGSWAY

Honestly? Umm...
Kingsway is full of other good restaurants, 
Honolulu Cafe is not exactly one of them.
I went with my dad and uncle today.
So bascially we were running around doing errands,
my uncle gets hungry and wants to eat.
SO we go to Honolulu,
I've been there before and LOL my first time wasn't good.
Stomach ache and bowel movements sums it up :]
If you do go to that area... I do recommend GOLD TRAIN EXPRESS.
That's some good cheap pho right there 
pic from last summer
Bino's Family Restaurant haha <3

Okay back to Honolulu...
I guess you can't say customer service sucked,
but the drinks and food were quite sloppy.
My drink [凍鴛鴦] was so sweet,
even I didn't want to drink it (and i'm a sucker for sweets)
My dad ordered some curry like noodle thing...
tbh I thought it was a mess LOL and tasted ordinary? nothing special.
I thought the presentation was good...
man this is what they mean by "don't judge a book by it's cover"
I swear they dunked the poor chicken into syrup.
I would've finished it if it wasn't THAT sweet,
but it was sweeter than my drink... which is quite extreme.

dad's curry noodle thing
my teriyaki chicken.
*sorry for the weird colours I didn't bring my camera and used my dad's phone*
 The bill came out to 21$ for all of our meals. 
My uncle seemed to order the most normal out of ours.
Never explore a chinese restaurant's menu 
UNLESS you know it's good, it's a standard dish that should taste the same,
OR you got a very THUMBS up recomendation.
Really.. I think you can find a better restaurant around there for a cheaper price.
AND even if it is not cheaper I CAN GUARANTEE tastes better than this. 
ughh. stomach pains. =  =

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