Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Blog TAG

1. I started my blog because...
    I used to wear a lot of makeup and a lot of people encouraged me to start a youtube and do tutorials. However personally I don't enjoy talking on camera and everything has to be scripted out, especially for me or else I'm going to screw up and mess up on what I say. So in the end I chose to start a blog, with a lot of encouragement from my boyfriend :]

2. One thing I love seeing on other blogs is...
  ORIGINALITY. Each blog has their own attitude own aspects that makes them unique, let it be blog design or even the content itself.

3. Something I love about blogging...
I can share my opinions here and type what I want to type instead of fixed on a genre of posts.

4. Favorite blog posts of mine are...
Personally I don't have a favourite blog post of mine, they are straight forward reviews or just an insight on what I did on a particular day. I enjoy blogging as a pass time so every post when written, it is a favourite post. I guess the fun ones to do are review posts.

5. Something my friends in real life know about me that I've never before mentioned on my blog...
Well if you know me in real life... I guess your idea of my personality would be different, I'm quite a tomboy actually. As girly as I am... I have quite a masculine attitude LOL. So sometimes I may say things that are really out there, I'm not weird, I just think that if you are going to be friendly to someone or w.e why put on a fake half assed effort to be someone you're not.

6. My new favorite blogs to read are...
They are all listed on the side bar, scroll down a bit and you will see --->>>>

7. Some things I tend to avoid doing on my blog are...
I don't want to give religious/political input or anything. Everyone has their own beliefs and I'm a person who likes to keep their own beliefs to themselves. AND I try to keep my language and humour controlled on here. Also I will not rant or talk about my personal life, that's not what I am using this blog for, nor will I use any blog for that. LOL tbh who wants to hear a 18 year old rant about some crazy chick she hates or how the world is destroying her... I wouldn't want to hear about it or even type about it to begin with.

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