Saturday, March 3, 2012

Food. More Food and. yup more food.

Weather in Vancouver is so bipolar,
it's almost like a female's mood swings. wait. it is.
COLD. WET. DISGUSTING. and might I add that transit smells real bad.
one thing that i'm glad about vancouver is that it's not humid.

This week has been chaotic and relieving.

chaotic that it was end of term and everything was getting pushed in.
relieving was the strike and having more time to complete assignments.
HOWEVER i'm more worried about having to submit marks if the legislation passes.
cause i was kinda counting on the quizzes and tests and assignments to help my mark go up.
been working on my 3rd term project in jewelery.

So basically a key ring LOL when i tell them that they don't seem to get it.
oh well.
yesterday went out with dad to pick up grad photos then run some errands.
we were living on the hope of using one bus fare there and back to metro,
AND god behold we did. 
it was even more disgusting than today, it wasn't raining...
it was like this COLD MIST.
and omg. buses stank soo much from like body odors.
i don't exactly like my grad photos, i look so old..
and one of my eyes looks like a monolid
AND i had a weird butt chin shadow thing.
(which i retouched and got rid off :] )
after we got back to metro we ate at the food court.

THEN today we went out for dim sum @ Li Garden.
Here's some photos:

fried bitter melon sesame paste rice ball
sticky rice bun
beef tripe and tendon
steamed ginger chicken buns
then we went to london drugs. 
and LOL this is like the best packaging and idea someone has come up with
for packaging.

FINALLY TONIGHT just went dinner with family.
went to 湯.com.
if you get a chance do go try it out, IT IS SOOO GOOD.
we ordered our usuals, me being spicy sour beef noodle soup 
parents their clay pot rice.

might I add the bowl is HUGE. this is 6.95.
what my parents ordered. also 6.95.
SO YEEE. my long weekend begins.

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